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Be happy that it happened

Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened.   I say: really??? The logical side of me agrees to whoever said this...

June 21, 2014

Moving out...NOT!!!

 This is the story of a decision that followed another decision.

First there was a man who searched for freedom. Then came a woman who wanted hers back. (that sounds more like phylophical shit...well, it sort of is....ish:))

 The woman made the decision of owning stuff. A good one, you may say, and it is...in theory. 

First thing she laid her eyes on was a house.  

This is how the nightmare began for the woman...ME.

- I put my stuff in boxes (loads) and move them to the new house

- I realize not enough space to deposit all this stuff inside, so the next best thing was ...the pool. Yes, you read that right: the house I own has a pool - the pool that finally serves for something. Pool's story : a long one...

- the KID, me and my son move in the small apartment owned by my parents ...with the parents and 2 cats (and I'm not a cat person) - OMAGAAAA! the nightmare! Last time I lived with my parents (but in my house - about 6 times the size of my parents' apartment) was during the time I was suicidal due to breakup with the Lord of Darkness and I just had surgery - all in all, suicidal experience, so now again...you do the math

DAY 1,2,3,4,5,6 - OMAGAAAAA! somebody save me! 

1st - the apartment has one bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and....ONE BATHROOM! ONE BATHROOM! I just have to say it again: ONE BATHROOM! There's not enough space for ...anything. Oh my GOD! Somebody take a sharp object and kill me with it. 
But I'm really grateful I have a place to stay.
Oh, one more thing: my parents'house is almost one hour away from where I live and work. KIDZILLA's school is about an hour and a half away...but...details, details...I spend more time stuck in traffic than sleeping. It's like India

2nd - my clothes, the KID's and Kidzilla's are all over
I think my room is actually worse...
I have clothes in plastic bags, travel suitcases, backpacks...and they're all together: mine, Kidzilla's and the KID's. So, in the pile of stuff, it's hard to find a bra when everything I put my hands on is either Kidzilla's t-shirt or Kid's underwear.

3rd - it's been raining cats and dogs since...March (well..around there) so, we had a new problem (as if I didn't have enough already) : our stuff might be floating in the pool. So, one evening, me and the KID (well, the KID more than me, cause I hate getting dirty) had to look for a solution (in the mud) to have a ...covered pool. 
And now it looks like this :
actual pool

The very good side of the story is that I have my mother cooking and catering for us - I don't have to move a finger. She's the one who waits for the KID to come home from work cause I'm sound asleep, she's the one who feeds him, she's the one who does everything. Thank you, Mom!

Day 7, 8 , 9 - Somebody kill me!
The fight with the 2 lazy ass mother f#@kers I hired to refurbish my house starts. They want more money than we initially settled for. What??? Of course they're entitled to it

Why even consider the following:
- they didn't come to work on a regular basis - why come to work if it rains outside (did I mention the work was inside) ? but the money of course has to be paid for each day - doesn't necessarily have to be a work day, according to these 2
- they took about an hour and a half each day to have their morning coffee and another half hour to think about starting work
- they left early quite often - well, they can't miss the WORLD CUP, dooohhhh!
- the work has been delayed for about...a year (well...), but why tell the boss (that would be me, in case you didn't get it)? it's not like it's their problem
Should I continue? I honestly don't wanna cause I feel my blood pressure going up. 
This is the downside of having a house to refurbish and nobody to supervise. Yes, I know, it's my fault and I probably won't do it again.
PS: not giving them any more money
PS2: afraid they could come and break stuff in the house

In a few days from now I will have to move out again cause, due to some health issues, my mother is not allowed to be near anyone for about a week or so. 

This means that I have to get my stuff from my mother's and take them to a friend's house.
no, it's not me cause I still don't have a driving license
But again, at least, I'll have a place to stay.

  If you'd like to know the date when I will be in my new house, I advise you to go see a psychic or watch out for planet alignment in the next weeks, cause you'll have a better chance at knowing than waiting for me to tell you.

June 9, 2014


        How many of you moved into a new home recently? 
Guys, if you're renting, that's great. But if you're buying a house that's not finished yet, like I did, brace yourselves!  
     Lots of people told me : you gotta be psychologically strong and completely sane if you're doing this by yourselves (referring to me and the KID)! 
What the hell does that mean??? Really ...

    Cause when I first heard that, I said to myself: what could be that bad that they need to warn me as if I was going to war? Everything seemed easy: you hire people, you buy the stuff you need, they do it and you move in. End of story. 

    Well, it would be the end of story if I constantly had someone on spot to monitor the two lazy ass mother f##&%rs I'm paying to do absolutely nothing!!!

I am really angry now as I'm writing...for several reasons:

1st - a freakin' mosquito just bit me...
hey, I gotta live too, you know...

2nd - my house is not ready
I was supposed to move in June 1st 

Now we're June 8th and the house is nowhere near being ready. But this is how we do things around here...

3rd - Bob is kicking me out next Wednesday, but one good thing, however: I won Kidzilla's bed in a fair fight :P so now he's the one buying a new one! Mouahahahahaaa....

4th - my house's not ready...Oh wait, I said that already! Oooohhh to hell with it...

5th - I may have to stay with my parents for a few days until the house is ready

Remember my parents? Same people who lived with me for a week after my appendix surgery, same people who gave me more reasons to kill myself every day.

6th - I don't know if I'm still in the right mind..but then again, who is nowadays?

7th - my relationship is on the rocks 
Both the KID and I are under a lot of stress, mainly for the same reasons, but we're one step away from killing each other just to release some pressure...

8th - my house is not ready...Yeah, whatever!

9th - I ran out of money so had to give up on lots of things I wanted to do
Everyone around me says: you'll do the rest in time, just take it slowly. You don't need everything now, just the absolute necessary stuff.
Yeah, but everything is absolutely necessary. That's just me.

10th -  I'll be broke for the next 5 years (at least), but I have a house right? 
It's like having a Jaguar but no money for gas.

        And now here's the fun part: I have two days to pack 300 square meters and put them in 130. Ain't that a challenge? 

Wish me luck, ya'all...

June 4, 2014

Going once...going twice...

    Once upon a time there was a girl. ..blah blah blah ..then her blog got nominated for a Liebster award. 
    The girl hardly knew what that was, but curious as she knew herself, she started looking things up on the internet..thank  God!...or the Big Bang (KID, I know you like this :)) and she found something that she loved.

    Listen up blog newbies : I now consider myself baptized in the holy blogging water :)

And look what I found:

So, first things first!
I have to pass +Matt Anderson 's test :) I feel like school again...two exams in one month with teacher Matt and teacher Luna...two of my favorites!
Wish I were as..musical as you were, Matt ;)

 1 - Who are You?
I'm a girl and that's the only thing I'm gonna admit - besides the guy who calls me MOM.

2 - Are you Happy Now?
 Only Buddha is..and I'm not Buddha.

3 - Who Do You Want to Be?  
The mom who has an amazing boyfriend and a great writing career.

4 - Will You Be Ready?
 Ready should be my middle name.

5 - Where's Your Head At?
I swear to you...if another person asks me that...

6 - What is Love? 
Oh wait...I know this one :)) 

7 - Turn Down For What?
Me??? Never! 

8 - What's your Flava?
Chocolate aaaaallll the way :)

9 - Do you Believe in Magic?
Ask me that after a bottle of red Bordeaux.

10 - (is there) Life on Mars?
 Women are from Venus, men are from Mars...doooohhhh!

11- Any Advice?
Eyes on the ball.

Now...my turn!

 My nominees are:
And my test..of course...mouahahaha

1) Why do you write?
2) Do you own a pet?
3) What is it?
4) What's your worst fear?
5) Do you like Justin Timberlake?
6) What's the word to replace SEX when talking in front of children?
7) What's your favorite book?
8) Why?
9) What would you change about you if you could?
10) Do you like rain?
11) What's the song that you can't stop humming?

 Looking forward to your answers, my darlings ;)